Friday, May 5, 2017


The official definition of an antique is “an old collectible item that is desirable because of its age, beauty, rarity, condition, utility, personal emotional connection, and/or other unique features. Such objects represent a previous era or time period in human society.” In recent months, antiques have become the item of constant discussion in my space because my caregivers are deeply involved in establishing a new business, Bayou Menagerie, which will include all forms of aged items. Refurbished antiques possibly re-purposed for contemporary use will be unique to their inventory.  Robyn and Tracey spend many hours studying information to gain knowledge to recognize value and quality. They also travel extensively to view estate sales to purchase or simply learn more about the business.
I find the study of antiques to be a fascinating mystery. A small, low to the floor rocking chair and a lovely silver tea service brings to memory the scene of the lady of the house (shorter in stature than her descendants) dressed in uncomfortable girdles and petticoats dutifully serving tea to her afternoon callers. The small chair is evidence of the changing size of humankind that has evolved in recent years possibly because of better health, exercise, and dietary habits. The magic of touching items aged with use and still beautiful from care of previous generations conveys the mystery and awe that inspires the collector. Those who deal in the sale and survival of aged items have a different more emotional attitude toward their profession than the normal retail entrepreneur. Without exception, they become more emotionally involved with compassion and historical interest in their transactions. A truly unique profession.

Referring again to the definition of antique, notice the personal emotional connection and focus on the value of relationships. An adage often referred to is, “The most valuable antiques are old friends!” As a member of the “golden” generation, I find this adage to be close to my heart as I revere many old friends that certainly qualify as “antiques.” As we live through a period of time rampant with disrespect for others, whether it be an organization or personal, perhaps a moment to reflect on this behavior is crucial. Contention and discord  destroy relationships.  Perhaps  a truthful review of our attitude toward each other will shock our nation into self-examination that will change our direction. Build relationships that will result in antiques in the form of old friends!
 A warning to all of us who share this planet – while we fret with great concern about “climate change,” perhaps equal focus should be proclaimed for how we treat each other. What have we gained if we provide a healthy environment, but fail in human relationships, having no treasured antiques in our future in the form of old friends? A lonely, Godless world indeed. Divine inspiration admonishes, “Therefore, all things whatsoever ye would that men should do to you, do ye even so to them: for this is the law and the prophets." (Matthew 7:12)  More simply stated to those who are unfamiliar with the Bible, this is the golden rule, “Do unto others as you would have them do to you!

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