Made a vow with myself to leave
politics alone this year, and since practically no subject discussed today ends
without a political vibe or two, I’ve found writing a blog to be difficult. If you don’t choose to talk about Trump,
nobody wants to hear what you have to say. However, today Facebook has another
showcase from some uninformed patron about the Congress Reform Act that has
bounced around for years. It’s not my focus to champion Congress. They make me
just as uncomfortable with their antics as any other American citizen, but
enough misinformation is enough.
I certainly agree that term limits are badly
needed to really make a difference in the quality of our federal government.
Many elderly citizens that should be at home rocking their grandchildren are
still walking the halls of Congress some of them needing mobility aids like
perhaps a cane. Adding some breaking news to this controversy is Justice
Ginsberg, 85 years-old, plans to sleep her way through another five years. I
can say this is a real flaw in our system of Justice because I know what it’s
like to be 85. We really need terms
limits on the Supreme Court. Our forefathers didn’t realize our longevity would
extend into our inability to function with perfection.
It isn’t the fault of Congress that they are
still there. It’s the fault of the voters who sent them. Still three factions
feed those who are guilty of continuing to run, expecting to win, having found
a great place to sit down for a lifetime of law-making. They have name
recognition, they have historical knowledge of navigating Washington, and they
have financial support expecting perks for their deep pockets. An almost
unbeatable profile.
All this adds up to POWER, such as Clinton power. The Obamas appear to be quite wealthy today
as well, and apparently plan to explore that political power gained from eight
years in the WH. Amazing, even the poorest citizen who manages to reach DC ends
with considerable wealth. Now that’s a cause that should be explored. But I
Speaking of term limits, even the
most naive citizen doesn’t think in terms of sending a politician to DC or the
statehouse for a limited period of time. Case in point – when a new and fresh
voice rises to the top, the first message out about that person is how he will
be a great influence for the future. We should be thinking, he or she will mold
the future for a limited number of years and then return to the real world
where he can make use of his knowledge at the grassroots level where the people
live. Instead, he spends a few years learning the DC routine (continual
struggle to keep the political office where lying and contempt 101 are taught),
and then live off the land for the rest of his life.
I can name many who have
never earned a non-political dollar. Some are excellent contributors, or they
once were, but many are bottom-feeders who couldn’t hold a job that didn’t come
to them through name-recognition or the powerful, elite, puppeteers of this
world. We all know who they are. I vote for term limits on every one of them,
however, I will never have that opportunity because under our system, they make
the rules. Not what our forefathers intended. So much for TERM LIMITS.
Back to the original rant about
the CONGRESS REFORM ACT. This just might get some serious consideration if some
INFORMED reformer latched on to the idea and really researched the facts. Even
the fact-checkers are disgusted with the misinformation appearing in this
social media horse tale that rides through the media periodically. I’ve learned
to fact-check; and then fact-check the checkers because they are often biased
by political strategy. Look it up, folks. Many of the points are simply untrue,
or have been addressed and corrected over the years.

My personal opinion
they have been brain-washed in our system of education and throw-away world
where the past is never consulted. In my opinion we wouldn’t need a Congress
Reform Act if this nation returned to God, the golden rule, and respect for
each other. Now, I’m absolutely sure that if anyone out there reads this, they
will find issue with me. Go ahead, fact-check me, that’s what I expect. Nobody’s
perfect except God. The rest of us need editing (according to my writer
friend). And maybe more so today than ever.
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