Read President Obama’s speech to Rutgers University. Mr. Obama
quoted by CBS news: “Let me be as clear as I can be; in politics and in life,
ignorance is not a virtue. It’s not cool to not know what you’re talking about.
That’s not keeping it real or telling it like it is. That’s not challenging political correctness.
That’s just not knowing what you’re talking about. And yet we’ve become
confused about this.” He continued to declare his opinion on most conservative
issues. Is this wisdom? His liberal speeches reduce conservative values to
IGNORANCE. He’s referring to the generation who gave him life, paid taxes to
make life good for him, and many of them supported the views that placed him in
the oval office.
I don’t say much about
such things, but this makes me angry. I’m
NOT IGNORANT because I disagree with some of his views. I disagree with views
of many other politicians, both liberal and conservative. I may not be as
well-educated as he is, but degrees from a university do not make one wise; experiencing
life and making use of factual knowledge brings wisdom. Thank God for the freedom to speak my
ignorant views. I know the President will never hear or care what I believe,
but I pray for the heroes who will stand up and be heard. Where are they?
For what it’s worth – this is my ignorant view, Mr. President.
Why are we so amazed at the increase of crime in our midst?
Why do we wrestle with disrespect for authority? There are answers. The antidote for the disease
infecting our nation is readily available.
In a world where chaos exists and no one desires to administer the cure
for such depravity, the disease will continue to destroy.
Why do smart, well-educated people fail to comprehend the fact
that the home is undermined, the community is depraved with greed, corrupt
leaders, disrespect for authority, and unbridled immorality. The children of such behavior will
certainly mature into undisciplined adults? We despair about crime and the loss
of law enforcement control. Politicians argue about band aids to place on the
serious wounds of our nation. Demonstrations interrupt organized events and merely
bring attention to an issue; they do not provide solutions.
How many voices must be heard and soldiers must die before we recognize
the source of the infection that plagues our lives, not just in our country,
but all over the world? Why are we called ignorant and unreasonable when we search
history for answer and rely on Godly guidance? Children of an earlier time
respected adults, were sensitive to the needs of others, willing to submit to
authority of teachers, the law, and their parents. Could it be the liberal doctrine
infiltrating our homes is hawking a complete lack of discipline and moral principles?
Many insist that the PROBLEM is gangs in the streets, availability
of guns, drug misuse, poverty, and other social ills. The PROBLEM, the reason these social ills rose
up in the first place, is how to motivate a generation of leaders who should remember
a better day, but refuse to stand for the action that could bring a new day? Could
it be their quest for greater power? Our leaders should encourage parents to take charge of the home nourishing the
children, caring for them, knowing where they go, who are their friends, how they
spend their time, showing them the love they crave, and preparing them for
inclusion in the adult world. Government interference in our spiritual lives
and the sovereignty of the home will continue to lead the nation to deteriorate
and fall into chaos. Social decay did not occur overnight and reforms appear to
be elusive. Government can not
legislate morality; neither should it encourage immorality in the name of freedom.
Twenty cities with increased crime rates! Could these be the
same cities declared sanctuary cities with the ultra-liberal agenda bent on
protecting every form of evil that exists in the world? We cannot blame all our ills on those who
migrate to our country, illegally or lawfully. Again, leaders, for various
reasons, are unwilling to take action because it undermines their power. Anyone
who isn’t aware that money and power talk is burying his head in the sand. Take away the power and the assets, and reason
will return.
The powerful have managed to remove Godliness from our
schools, governing institutions, educational system, and our homes. They have
intimidated us by suggesting prejudices, hate, and religion are the sources of
America’s ills. I submit the source of our ills is the rhetoric embedded by the
powerful, who are the prime initiators of prejudice. The liberal unspoken
mission is to promote prejudice and facilitate poverty to infect the population
and keep it subjugated to the powerful. Thus we have the movement toward
We certainly have dark hours in our history, but none compares
to the loss of integrity, discipline, and confidence found in our population
today. With Godly contentment and
motivation in our lives instead of rationalism, prayer instead of meditation
and yoga, Christian principles instead of the humanism spewed into our
education institutions, and kindness and compassion for our fellow man, we
could rise again as a nation of freedom’s example to the world, instead of a splintered,
wicked, weak has-been. Certainly, it may be necessary to carry a big stick,
while we speak softly.
Freedom of expression has digressed into self-willed,
uncontrolled behavior. Religion has
lost influence and integrity. Humanism has
gained the respect and worship of our youth. No boundaries, no ideals, no
respect for authority, no patriotism, no America. Our country is missing, buried in the slime
of wickedness. God will bring our country to its knees.
We are ruled (nationally and internationally)by those who
profess to be challenging the injustice, while in truth they are seeking to
undermine our ideals so they can achieve the ultimate power. To do this they must subjugate the masses by taking
away the freedom to think independently, keep poverty alive and well, control
the health care system, infiltrate the educational system with ultra-liberal
rhetoric, feed immorality with laws hawking equality, keep the borders open and
insecure, decrease the military, remove guns from the population, continue to
allow infrastructure to deteriorate, and place puppet leaders in power who will
be obedient to the ultra-powerful. Shall we say, welcome to the United NANNY States
of America where we are beholden to the global leaders who wait like vultures to
reduce our lives to a form of slavery.
Actually, I agree with you, Mr. President. Ignorance is not a
virtue. So, to my fellow citizens, I say, “Arm yourselves with the knowledge of
history and current events, use your common sense, ask God for guidance, and stand
up to be heard. Vote your well-educated, carefully examined views!
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