Saturday, May 21, 2016


Being careful to check things that are quoted and passed on as truth has become a challenge to me.   In recent weeks, I have fact-checked many issues being aired in cyberspace.  Of course, fact-checkers can be mistaken also, but controversial issues often become suspect.  Look for the source.  In today’s rush to be right, we need to slow down before we make a showdown.  The latest in my list of challenges concerns Hillary Clinton.

Although for my entire adult life, I have held little regard for Hillary Clinton, I must correct a statement traveling through Facebook referring to her book written in 1996, It Takes a Village and Other Things Children Teach Us. There is no reference to this quote. She has not said at any point that she believes children should be raised by the state, or that parents should take a secondary role. I challenge Facebook to show me where this is found. 

Having said this, I do believe Mrs. Clinton clings to the ideas of community involvement in rearing children, and to that point, I agree, with some reservation.  Parents do benefit from interacting with each other (as in a village) to share in parenting.  Helping each other physically and emotionally can make the burden lighter for a family.  There is no substitute for religious training, Godly guidance, and fellowship.   However, these are my views; not necessarily those of Hillary Clinton.

The real issue with Mrs. Clinton and other POWERFUL government puppets, and I do believe she is a puppet of the POWERFUL, is to seek out and become knowledgeable regarding the empire-building taking place in the shadows of our national politics.  To continue forward with the current agenda that leads us toward the goals of socialism and communism is of much greater danger than the trivial issues being dragged across our TV screens presently.  The use of restrooms falls to the bottom of the list of priorities when compared to the decline of our educational system, the loss of religious freedom, economic failure,  monumental debt,  and moral decay.

Of greater importance to me is the slippery slope toward GLOBAL POWER or government. Socialism fails in small doses, but if global leaders grab enough power to make socialism widespread, we are doomed to live in the resulting loss of freedoms. Consider the fact that the European Union continues to exist and is being propped up from the shadows in the hope to keep it alive and well.  In reading behind the scenes, this is MY THEORY, note carefully, my theory, NOT FACT.

When power in the Americas (Canada, Central and South America) can combine to form an Americas Union similar to European Union, grabbing global power by the ultra-liberal, wealthy will prevail.  With all the power and might, they can easily control Asian countries bringing the world into the global slavery the ultra-rich and powerful have long desired and are maneuvering into place. THE NEW WORLD ORDER.

We see today the lack of care in minority neighborhoods, using the poverty and disarray to keep attention on racism. How smart to direct our attention to one problem while oppressing the real reason so it can be grown without notice. Islam believes it is converting the world.  Allowed to press forward in radical form, they kill their own and keep the world distracted so THE POWERFUL can work silently in the shadows. If we cared to, our government could wipe out Islamic Radicalism like a swarm of insects.  In reality, THE POWERFUL support the radical crusade to keep the masses distracted, and they will destroy Islam when they no longer need them. Our higher educated believe religion is a non-issue and destined to fade into infinity.

Those who believe they are gods and all powerful will fall eventually.  Almighty God will bring them to their knees in due time.  Meanwhile, if we continue to ignore the symptoms, we are destined to live in global slavery beholden to global leaders who will crack the whip giving us what we deserve because we failed to stand up and fight when we had the opportunity.  Where are the heroes?

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