Saturday, April 30, 2016


As I view events surrounding the 2016 election, I’m fearful and apprehensive of the actions of my fellow Americans. Less objective and more suspicious than in my youth, I observe with sadness behavior in American cities that resembles that of oppressed countries where individuals are forced to the streets to be heard. Trying times plague our country, but, somehow, we must rise above the violence.
The heritage of our Republic, defined by freedom of speech, freedom of expression, and freedom of movement, remains in question as we look forward to a summer of heated, discriminate, unrestrained behavior. The right to protest falls in the framework of our heritage; our forefathers were protestors, aggressive orators who affirmed their views with enthusiasm.  They hawked their vision at the top of their lungs, and accepted alternative views with opposition in the same mode as we see in today’s world.  Not always with the best of behavior, lest we forget the Boston Tea Party.  And the repression of the many by the powerful few who think they know best continues to involve the world in war.  What else is new?

However, citizens appear more invested in important issues this political season than in previous years.  Is it because we face more serious problems?  Of course, the advent of media, social networking, and ease of travel, provide unique platforms for all Americans to stay involved.  For instance, social networking can arouse a huge outpouring of support for any group attempting to sway minds.  The powerful, who wish to capture the minds of the masses, arrange for paid demonstrators; although some protest because of their personal views.  I agree the right to protest is Constitutional.

Many protestors simply look for a podium to force feed their views by means of the media. One group of nudists protested a Trump appearance suggesting we recognize their group as a viable oppressed faction. Moral decay remains high on the list of issues confronting our nation. The history of past democracies reveals, without exception, their fall from within from moral decay and an appetite for pleasure and welfare.  Are we sliding into the same pattern destined to implode? Do we silently follow without seeking facts or objecting to the condescending political rhetoric emanating from our media venues?

Frankly, I’m disgusted with the image that I’m insensitive, incompetent, and uneducated, thus I need a political elitist, a media pundit, or a powerful, wealthy nanny state caregiver to guide me through my life.  On the one hand, we hear the establishment politicians lecturing us about our ignorance in choosing leaders (mostly they have been there too long and are thinking about their own status in life), or the other hand, the nanny state representatives infer their great concern for the poor and oppressed who depend upon them to provide care. Somewhere in between these views, a compromise must exist with the option for reasonable decisions of intelligent voters who wish to be heard and understood. Up to now, I fail to see a solution.  A voting system geared to deceive and ignore citizen input contributes to failure.  Violence in the streets exacerbates the problem.

Where are the heroes? Where are the leaders who will simply keep order, provide security, and allow citizens to contribute within reason? Leaders who are vigilant, frugal, knowledgeable of issues taking action as though they hear the citizenry and make the nation’s welfare the priority.  Could we say, balanced budget, secure borders, common justice, reasonable agreements and treaties, limited government, reduced regulations, reasonable taxation, and adopt Teddy Roosevelt’s philosophy, “Speak softly and carry a big stick.” In other words, keep us safe with a strong military.  We have paid; we will continue to pay; we simply ask for responsible, credible, transparent behavior by the less than 500 individuals who have been elected to office.

 Ironically, November 8th, Election Day, is also my birthday.  I’m a forever optimist, and probably more so in the December of my life.  I hope to survive the summer and vote on my 83rd birthday.  I’ve often compared my life to a roller coaster ride.  Wow, this election season promises to be quite a trip!

Monday, April 25, 2016


A true story of life in Atlanta before I moved to Louisiana. Reality information as to why I needed to have a caregiver without responsibility for other creatures. The scene with the dogs became habitual as I grew older and less capable of caring for the two pets. Maddie is with my daughter, and Hershey passed away two years ago. I miss their unconditional love every day. The story of Maddie and Hershey reinforces the intelligence of the Labrador breed, and I could tell many more that would reveal their loyalty and love for a master.  Labradors make great pets. 

Chilled loneliness swept over my being as the sound of a distant alarm clock crept into my unconscious sleep mode and aroused me from the restless night.  Faithful Maddie, my ever attentive female Labrador Retriever, rose from nearby and stretched lazily before she reached out and licked my hand in morning greeting.  Not far behind, Hershey, her male companion, also a Labrador Retriever, stretched his  legs and arched his sleek brown body before approaching for his morning greeting.

My eyes reacted to the stark white brightness that shot through my vision as I switched on the bedside lamp.  The drone of a newscaster’s voice emitting from the TV I left on all night reached my conscious mind as he reported some disastrous happening somewhere in the world.   At this moment in time, I cared only about the aches and pains that kept me resting on the bedside while I summoned the energy to accompany the dogs to the door for their morning outing.  How did I reach this point of complete uselessness?  Easy, I thought.  Time simply passed.

As I stumbled through the living room to the front door, I thought about the days when I could jump out of bed, scramble to the bathroom, grab my clothes, and exercise for thirty minutes before beginning a day of work.  Now I’m lucky to drag myself from bed, take a few unsteady steps and be grateful I don’t fall and break some part of my anatomy, I thought as I turned from the door after letting the dogs out.  I busied myself with filling the dog dishes with “Kibbles and Bits.”  They needed water, another chore that required bending and lifting, placing a real trying mission on my back and knees. But as they returned to the door ready to begin the day, I invited them in, and they dived into breakfast.

Blindly, I fumbled through the motions of starting the coffee pot.  By this time, the dogs stood patiently by the door ready to return to the back yard for their after breakfast run.  They hit the back deck running; I admired their enthusiasm, but did not join them.  In a short time, they returned to the door and barked to come back inside.  Quietly struggling with the day, I tried to steady the cup of coffee and open the door for them.

“Sorry guys,” I said, falling into the lounge chair in the office, “You will have to forgive me this time.”  They both sat before me looking up with doleful eyes as though the world had stopped and they surely were in danger of some grievous event.

“You’ve had your breakfast,” I said absentmindedly.  “What more do you expect of me this morning.”  They continued to stare at me with four unmoving, questioning eyes that seemed to penetrate my chest causing definite heartburn to surface.  I leaned back and closed my eyes hoping they would get my message if not from my words, certainly from my actions.

I fell asleep for a moment – possibly five or ten minutes.  A slight movement nearby disturbed me, and I opened my eyes and looked downward to see four unmoving, questioning eyes penetrating my chest and definitely causing the heartburn to progress. 

“Can’t you see this cold, dreary, winter day does not improve my disposition?  I’d appreciate both of you just go lay down somewhere and leave me alone.”  I blurted out the words in a tone that usually sent them off to hide in a corner until my temperament improved.  But they continued to sit with four unmoving, questioning eyes that now sadly penetrated - - then I remembered, I forgot to give them the treat they always receive when they come in from their morning outing. 
“I’m sorry, guys, I forgot.” I said as I reached into the big glass treat jar that sits on the counter in the kitchen.   They really have me well-trained, but sometimes I simply forget.

Friday, April 22, 2016


Global Warming! Climate Change!  Is this a tempest in a teapot?  Is it simply a global political scam to control and manipulate power on the planet? Is global warming truly a very real, clear danger to humanity? Today is Earth Day.  An idea for a national day to focus on the environment evolved in 1970 when Senator Gaylord Nelson of Wisconsin witnessed the ravages of an oil spill and began to investigate other forms of pollution. When we universally stopped to focus on the various forms of the environmental impact, certainly, our planet posed serious pollution problems.  Absolutely, the moment to pause, evaluate, repent, and begin an awareness, cleanup program, and legislation to enforce reasonable restrictions moved forward with vigor.

Awareness created a sense of urgency that consumed our nation beginning with the preschool training of our children.  We became keenly aware of the factories and polluting industry belching emissions into the air we breathe.  We   grimaced at the revelations of improper waste disposal, and reeled with disgust at the neglect of preserving our forests and natural resources.  I totally agree that the pre-1970 mindset, if continued, would lead to disastrous consequences for our planet.  Recycling, reasonable restrictions on industry, and a constant vigilance of our forests and natural resources developed and became a natural part of daily life, and rightly so.  Leaders realized the development and growth of industry and the wanton depletion of natural resources must be restrained. The Environmental Protection Agency emerged in 1970 with board power to regulate.  Present day youngsters begin life with the mindset and knowledge to protect and aggressively pursue environmental issues. Every day is Earth Day!

All this attention is positive and sensible.  Scientific studies reveal progress in the direction of sensitive environmental issues.  All countries must surely be aware of the impact of their actions with all the hurrah from the scientific and political world.  It remains to be seen if they will discipline their actions in the future.  The high price of conforming and the economic impact may speak louder than the fear of climate change effects. Merely signing a document on Earth Day is only a gesture of agreement, not compliance.

Although many of the arguments of man-made climate change are credible, I’m unconvinced that humanity realistically impacts global warming with much validity.  Present data is weighed in the balance and found wanting.  Scientific experts spin the evidence in the “winds of the jet stream” and vacillate just as radically.

So without denying that we earthlings do contribute to the demise of the wonderful world the Lord has created for us, I believe He is in control and set the universe in motion.  (Gen 1:17, Job 26:7-14, Job 38:4)  The earth rotates on its axis, thus we have night and day.   The earth rotates around the sun, thus we have four seasons.  The solar system rotates, thus we have seasons lasting hundreds of years.  Where are we in this cycle today?  In my memory, cold, severe winters where rivers and lakes froze for weeks or months occurred.  My grandfather told of driving a team of horses across a deep river in West Virginia in a location where I never saw ice form in my youth.  Of course, I yield the fact that pollution may be partially effective in the warming of that particular river.

However, as the decades have passed, I have observed the gradual warming of the earth.  Perhaps in my youth, the universe glided through its spring.  Now many decades later, we are warming, moving into the summer of the universe. The season may last many years bringing desert like conditions to otherwise mild locations.  Glaciers may melt causing coastlines to shrink and growing crops may be difficult in areas normally fertile.  Climate change with wild winters and humongous storms may prevail.
With a lifespan of less than one hundred years, humanity will record this phenomena and spread fear, panic, and despair, and lifestyles will be effected in this scenario. There is nothing new under the sun.  (Ecclesiastes 1:4-9)  God is in control.  We should abandon the rhetoric and focus on how humanity may prepare for a future with changing lifestyles.  We sent a man to the moon. Surely, we can adapt to a changing planet.  Where are the heroes?

Of course, what do I know; I’m just an old lady without a clue.


Scrolling through social media can be an exhausting and frustrating journey.  Once upon a time, I thought of social networking as fun and a pass time filled with fellowship and keeping in touch with friends at a distance.  Lately, since the advent of 2016 elections, the fun has disappeared into divisive, radical, mean-spirited posts.  The chief advantage of this method of communication is the tendency to use pseudonym as cover.  I certainly agree that we must stay informed through all media methods of communicating current events.

However, reading through comments about controversial history, racial situations, and current events on almost any subject raises doubt in my mind that I live on the same planet where I received my values and education.  I’m not sure when and where it all changed.  Have we rewritten the history books? Where do some of these facts originate? Where is the tolerance for ideas and opinions that may differ? Why do you have rights and privileges that you propose to deny me? What is the reasoning for destroying or denying historical events?  Why do we wish to eliminate icons that may not reflect the most positive view of our country’s history?  Simply burying the evidence will not change the facts.  Perhaps we need to remember, and certainly the physical evidence will keep the facts at hand – good or bad.

Actually, digesting many of these opinions is difficult to tolerate.  I’m the first to admit that much of the commentary on television is possibly biased, and I’ll judge the content by my standard.  However, I’ll vigorously battle for the right for that commentary to be heard.  I’m under the impression this idea is called “freedom of speech.”  Although I may be tempted to “wash your mouth out with lye soap,” when you “stoop” to gutter language.

I’m a conservative Christian, and I offer no apology for my values. In my view, the nation has digressed in recent years, and many are fooled into believing the progressive liberal world is a better place.  Future generations will reap the consequences of this reasoning. 

Today, I read a thread of chatter on Facebook that brought progressive philosophy to light in broad terms with colorful language – seems to be the only method of expression the progressive possess.  My parents taught me that the use of expletives is a mark of ignorance of proper language. It occurs to me that language is only ONE of the missing elements of this generation’s education.
Commentary by FOX News appears to ignite much of the discussion.  Of course, their commentators lean to the right, but they do have opinions of left-leaning in every debate.  I don’t always agree with the commentator.  CNN, the supposed left-leaning media, operates in the same manner.  And, of course, as viewers, we have the privilege to change the channel anytime we wish.  Why would you frame your philosophy solely through the knowledge gained from the news media, college professors, or political/cultural authors who flood the book shelves with their rhetoric? The wise audience listens carefully, weighs the rhetoric in the balance of facts, and evokes common sense judgement.

Here’s an idea.  We have libraries filled with volumes to research history, government, culture – any subject imagined.  Why do we trust media opinion? Why not learn for ourselves?  We won’t find answers on the internet or political publications.  We must be quick to learn; history is being rewritten by those same pundits we tend to trust in the media. If they don’t like the history of an event, they simply rewrite.  Checking facts at the original source will teach the current crop of progressives that those without knowledge of history will be destined to repeat the same mistakes.  America is on a journey to destruction from within.  Why not be unique innovators – know the facts before we speak.  Sure beats looking foolish, and with  genuine basic knowledge,  old-fashioned wisdom, and a bit of common sense,  some young genius with energy and passion just may become the hero that leads us to a better world.  Meanwhile, we wait…

Wednesday, April 20, 2016


Really, Free!  Okay, they did pass a bucket for donations.  Hope they were tipped graciously.  On occasion, a free to the public program surfaces that makes us glad we checked it out. Last evening, our family enjoyed a delightful concert given by the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, theme, Swing in the Oaks, presented at New Orleans City Park.  A talented group of musicians, owned by its members, the orchestra is accurately recognized as excellent entertainment.
In casual attire, bring your blankets, stadium chairs, picnic spread, children, and leashed dogs to enjoy an evening of great, light-hearted music, and hundreds of New Orleans music lovers did just that.  A cool breeze floated across the grand lawn, a beautiful scene bordered by palm trees and oaks, while hundreds of folks circled their colorful chairs in small groups to enjoy dining, games, and fellowship. The music of the orchestra filled the park with oldies, something for the kids, classical, and a salute to the military.  Beginning with the national anthem, the crowd rose to its feet with surprising reverence considering the things we hear about disrespect for the country.  New Orleans remains patriotic in my view. A casual atmosphere made close attention to the orchestra difficult unless you were near the front area.  However, the evening provided a delightful night out in the spring air under the stars to enjoy an outstanding musical treat.  With many concerts each season, the Louisiana Philharmonic Orchestra, in its twenty-fifth year, entertains with excellent talent and popular appeal. 

In addition, the park provides many other forms of entertainment.  If you are a New Orleans resident or visitor, don’t miss the park.  The New Orleans Museum of Art, located in the same area, offers an outstanding venue of art, international artifacts, and unique exhibits of Louisiana culture.  New Orleans may be famous for Mardi Gras, but we do have many other attractions as well.  Check them at

Sunday, April 17, 2016


Captivated by the idea of space travel, like many American young people of the space race era of the fifties, I read with enthusiasm all the news about Sputnik (launched October 4, 1957) and the Russian space program.  Many discredited the news as propaganda initiated by the Russians to gain prominence, or the American Government to frighten Americans sufficiently to encourage participation (especially funding) in a space program long desired by the scientific community.

Still others regarded the news as Russian propaganda designed to frighten the US into submission to their ideals, while some simply refused to believe the satellite existed. How could any object travel l8, 000 miles per hour? However, the satellite was visible by the naked eye.

The Korean Police Action had settled sufficiently to allow life to proceed without fear of disruption among young adults (Vietnam had not as yet surfaced), and we soon had a young, energetic President who rushed to embrace the proponents of space travel and announced to the world, “America will reach the moon in this decade (sixties).” America erupted into action.

As a resident of Galveston County, Texas, I lived near Clear Creek, the isolated marshes where my friends hunted duck and other wildlife on property owned by then Senator, Lyndon Johnson.  The early sixties revealed that the swamp, purchased by the US Government, would be the future home of the Houston Space Center.  Apparently, America is serious about this new venture.

Meanwhile, my family moved to Florida, the home of space exploration, where experimentation with rockets and space travelers flourished at Cape Canaveral.  I read with passion the stories of the pioneering astronauts in their book, WE SEVEN.

As fate arranged my life, our family moved to Daytona Beach where General Electric Company had located to be near the Cape as they pursued their contract with NASA.  Employed by Honeywell Corporation in Clearwater, FL, for some time, I acquired some knowledge of the organization of NASA programs and understood enough to impress the recruiters.  I stepped into the exciting world of space exploration.

From the first day, I knew this would be a challenging and exciting journey.  The ultimate goal of reaching the moon in the decade became the total aim of everyone involved.  The assassination of President John Kennedy reinforced this determination.  With amazing fortitude the unbelievable ability to innovate, the heroes of the moonshot labored day and sometimes night to seek and find the answers to impossible questions.  They overcame unimaginable obstacles, they solved problems inconceivable before the moonshot, and they succeeded in record time to reach the goal.

In May 1969, I resigned from General Electric to relocate in Atlanta because my husband transferred with Eastern Airlines.  I missed the final hurrah although I did experience the thrill of knowing we (all of those tens of thousands of men and women in offices, factories, laboratories, and test sites – the heroes of the program) had reached the goal.  On July 20, 1969, I watched the television with wonder as Neil Armstrong stepped from the Lunar Lander with his now famous words, “One small step for man and a giant leap for mankind.”

Recently, I listened to Buzz Aldrin, one of the original seven, review his book, MISSION TO MARS. His optimism that our country can reach such a lofty goal is refreshing.  However, with the current environment and the lethargic attitude of our country, I cannot see Mars in our future. Remembering all of the remarkable innovations that make our lives more comfortable and progressive that resulted from the moonshot research and development, I am hopeful that some new, challenged heroes will evolve and dare to dream.

Friday, April 15, 2016


With universal problems engulfing us, I often feel discouraged, and the mood drifts through my pen possibly discouraging others as well.  I apologize for that attitude. We all have bad days. As I think about the beautiful day outside my window this morning, I’m awed at how clean and green the real world can be. Since writing is my passion, my thoughts are destined to slip though my pen and betray my character, emotion, and faith.  And in that same vein, I wish to share a bit of frivolous philosophy, and at the same time, ask if others have similar views.

Included in a book of poetry recently published, Rambling In Rhyme, is a poem written earlier in my life entitled, It’s Only Make Believe.  In reviewing and editing the poem, I realized I may have more than one citizenship in this world, probably three. I’m first and foremost a citizen of the Kingdom of God, doing my best to serve Him faithfully; secondly, I’m a citizen of the USA, born into that relationship by reason of geography, a fact that I’m forever grateful to have enjoyed for more than eight decades.  However, as a writer, I find myself to be a citizen of another nation, one shared by all creative minds whether it’s the written word, artist’s palette, the musician, or any one of dozens of creative ventures found among us – that of Imagi-Nation.

I have vivid memories from early childhood of visiting this place, and I recall friendships that lasted for long periods, perhaps disappearing only as I grew to a different level of maturity.  Traveling to Imagi-Nation is the shortest, least costly trip you will ever take.  You won’t need a ticket, new wardrobe, or a companion for this trip.  Just close your eyes, climb on a train, plane, or ship to any destination you choose.  Even a spaceship to the unknown.  You can stay five minutes or five hours – time is not measured or used in Imagi-Nation.  It simply exists along with all the other trimmings.  You can live in a mansion with lovely décor, shop in the finest, most elegant stores – and it’s free.  Wear the most delightful gowns with fine gems – the most elegant you can conjure up in your mind. You bask in perfect relationships without dispute – unless you want to argue and fight – and, of course, you can always win. 

In Imagi-Nation, you are perfect, happy, and in charge of everything. You can go there instantly, and interrupt the visit for a moment of reality, if you must, or you can just stay as long as your real life will allow.  You can visit Imagi-Nation no matter where you are in real life, the doctor’s office waiting room, middle of the night when you can’t sleep, at a boring business meeting or seminar, or simply relaxing in the back yard swing on a lovely afternoon.  You can be the perfect picture of health, the  most beautiful person  in the room, the smartest scholar in the board room, the pilot of an airplane, an astronaut on the way to Mars, a nurse or brain surgeon, the possibilities are limitless in Imagi-Nation. You can even be the President of the United States – although that is one place I never thought I would want to live – have thought of being a princess in a royal family, however.  The only qualification for being a citizen of Imagi-Nation is the ability to close your eyes and dream – like a movie rolling past your mind.  You can stop the film and return anytime.

All writers must be citizens of Imagi-Nation.  It’s the place where ideas are born, where music is created, and artists find inspiration. It’s the place where the sick can find health, the grieved can find comfort, the depressed will find peace, the lonely will find companionship, the elderly will find youth, and the young will find motivation and inspiration.  Close your eyes, smell the scent of a lovely rose garden, relax, and enjoy a visit to Imagi-Nation.


Troubled waters continue to wash over our country as well – in fact – the whole world.  Where are the statesmen that once rose up boldly to solve our dilemma?  I’m embarrassed to know that I had a part in rearing the ruling generation.  At 82 years-old, I have seen many changes, many awesome changes that made our world a much better place.  What happened to the ingenuity, imagination, and resolve that motivated a generation to send a man to the moon? What happened to the God-fearing, moral family-oriented population that stood for doing the best they could in everything, and then some? Why do our young denigrate the Bible, Jesus Christ, and things religious? 

I did the best I could to teach my children to be God-fearing, moral citizens doing their part to rear my grandchildren with the same values.  I failed miserably along with the rest of my generation.  I can find no other explanation for the decline in the home and other social organizations.  The news media reveals appalling wickedness every day.  No respect for authority, no respect for life, immorality rampant, family values non-existent, and extensive questioning of all religious environment.

The American political process is poisoned with moral depravity, greed, and power starved, self-satisfaction.  Our educational system needs to delve into the ancient history of the world and teach our children the consequences of a self-indulging, undisciplined manner of life.  This behavior without exception destroys from within.  Our nation is well on the way to destruction.  I’m a Christian, a student of the Bible.  Instead of respect for my ideals and knowledge, I’m labeled, ridiculed, and my opinion rejected as bigoted.  Yes, I believe that God will bring this nation to its knees.  Americans will know subjugation and tyranny.  We think we have poverty, hunger, and homelessness now!  When God has enough and turns His back on America, the devil will own us.  We can see what sheer evil does to humans in parts of our world now.  The shades of evil advance by the day, and the devil’s workshop thrives.  Does anyone care?

Yes, I believe many care, and we must stand tall, be heard, and work to build a bridge over the troubled waters that plague us.  Impossible feat? No! With God’s help, we can prevail.  Let’s look for the best in all people,  learn to respect all people, give your best, believe in our country, return to God, and turn this darkness into light.  A great America!

Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Facts are that most people will say that I should be quietly reclining in my rocking chair, nodding off to nap a dozen times a day, watching my diet, and staying in touch with my doctors.  This is the common agenda most youngsters have in mind for their aging parents.  I’m here to insist that I do have a clue of what makes the world turn, I’m certainly not a bigot just because I have conservative values, and I do believe that God is in control and will take vengeance in due time. I do not expect everyone to agree with me, but this is my space.  I’m a proud American citizen who believes in Constitutional rule and the first amendment which gives me the authority to share my views.

Perhaps I’m mistaken, but my understanding is that TV channels that portray the image of providing family programming, that parents can trust to be viewed by their children, should make the unspoken vow to remain free of undesirable images.  Should this include commercials for programming to be viewed on other channels?  If the family channel is opposed to very liberal causes and projecting nudity and innuendo content, I question the practice of subjecting their conservative audience to commercials for such programming. It doesn’t take rocket science to understand that all channels are in the business to make a profit, and I agree this is necessary. However, there is a growing challenge for the popular family channels to make entertainment history by standing for family values with vigor.  This stance calls for eliminating the offensive commercial that appears on a family channel for programming to be viewed on other liberal channels.  Scoffers suggest that when one is offended by programming or commercials, simply turn the channel.  To which the reply to the family channels is, “Be honest in providing the image of your channel so viewers are comfortable with the integrity of your programming, and then stay the course.”  Word travels fast.

If you wish to be heard concerning this issue, email this address.

Monday, April 11, 2016


Looking into the archives of my writing career, I found this essay written some years ago before my husband’s death.  I’m older now and could add more equally humorous events of behavior of the elderly, but I will simply add my observation that the person who referred to the elderly years as “the golden years” is not there yet, or he would know better.  Try this youngsters – Cover your dark glasses to allow coin size vision, place a pair of gloves on your hands, stand at a shoulder-high counter and try to sign a check.  This will give you an idea of what living in “the golden years” will be like when you get there. Meanwhile, I hope you enjoy the following.

Growing older is a state of the mind we are told by those giving direction to the aging senior citizens of our era. My observation is that those telling us this great psychological fact are the younger generation, who are long on advice and short on experience. The truth is that we, the senior citizens, realize our limits and try to conceal them or make excuse for them usually to no avail. We call these little blips in our memory a senior moment. The older we get the more likely we are to have these moments, and they occur even closer together as the days go by.

An older lady once said that when she and her husband go somewhere, she tells him, “you remember our names and I’ll remember where we are going.” No doubt, this is real teamwork. I didn’t have to grow old to get lost, however.  My husband says I’m lost when I drive out of the driveway. To be politically correct, I’m directionally-challenged.

Memory blocks under stress are likely to occur at any age. One Sunday several years ago, we were standing in the church lobby and a visitor walked up to talk with us. Being taken by surprise, my husband looked up to see his boss from his new job. I did not know her, and he had to introduce us. Drawing a memory block, he could not remember either of our names. So, he said, “Boss, this is my
Wife; Wife, this is my Boss.”

On another occasion while I was still working, an older lady came into my office one morning laughing until the tears were streaming down her cheeks. I asked what was so funny, and she had to sit down and become calmer before she could relate the story. She rose early that morning for a
doctor’s appointment and dressed before daylight. She noticed in both the doctor’s office and the grocery store she just left before coming to my office that people were looking at her, and they smiled or snickered as they turned away. Being a lovely, careful dresser and conscientious about her makeup and hair at eighty years of age, she realized they were laughing at her. As she got out of her car in our parking area, she looked down and noticed in the bright sunlight that she wore a red shoe and a green shoe neither being a match for her pink pantsuit. We laughed together and when
she came into our office each month after that day, we had a good laugh about the same event again.

The mindset of the senior citizen is often dictated by how much help he gets in navigating through his ordinary day. Those who have spouses or responsible adults to help them can become decidedly more dependent upon others. At least, that is what the young psychologists with advice tell us. I noticed this fact come to life when observing my husband and daughter.  Stressed with keeping a doctor’s appointment in a timely manner on one occasion, my husband could not find his nitro-glycerin pills – a small bottle he kept in his shirt pocket at all times.  Just as we were about to leave, he announced the bottle had disappeared. “Where did you have it last?” Kim asked, as she looked in all the likely places: bathroom, bedside table, closet table, kitchen counter, laundry room shelf, and computer room table. He looked by his favorite chair, on the porch, and all the places Kim had already scanned with her young eyes. The pills were nowhere to be found. After a moment of silence, Kim looked at her dad and began to laugh. “Dad, what is that bottle in your shirt pocket?” The nitro was there all the while they searched. Just wait – there is more.

Shopping at Walmart one afternoon, my husband climbed in a mobile chair and drove off alone to do some shopping. He purchased bacon, milk, bread, juice, and a movie. When we came home, he put his packages away. Later that afternoon, he asked what happened to the movie. We remembered seeing the movie after we left the store. We searched everywhere, but could not find the movie. The next morning my husband decided to prepare breakfast. He wanted bacon so he opened the drawer in the refrigerator where the bacon is kept, and you guessed it, the movie laid under the bacon package. Right where he put it the day before. To say the least, John Wayne was real “cool.” We are still laughing about that blip.

No doubt we could continue a long time relaying events that give us cause to think we need a keeper. But so far, we manage to find our way home from church, to keep the laundry clean, even though we do mix up the clean and dirty sometimes, to cook meals, although we have the burned black pots as evidence of our finesse with the stove, and we remember to flush the toilet most of the time. The only consolation to those of us who are older is that we know all of you younger folks just “aren’t there yet,” but you will be.

Saturday, April 9, 2016



The 2016 election process reveals the truth about the corruption and control that plagues our nation. The voice of the people disappears in the inconsistent delegate selection destined to propel our leadership into chaos. Did the system serve us effectively in past history?  Apparently so! The decline occurs when delegates, elected in the shadows, feel free to vote their personal views, or are distracted by favors offered by the candidate campaigns in a complicated system of LEGAL fraud.  Amazing how extreme this questionable practice is in our election process.  Both parties vigorously embrace this behavior.
As an elderly citizen who appreciates the freedom and prosperity this nation provides, I’m appalled at what the election process reveals.  I expect my vote to be counted toward the leader I choose.  How naive or ignorant have I been?  A gentleman from North Dakota declares the real truth. “The people are under the impression they elect the nominee at the polls.  Not so, the nominee is elected by delegates of the party at the convention.”  The Electoral College, a complicated process of delegate selection by state populace and congressional representation, determines the general election of President and Vice President, and may overrule the popular vote with unbound delegates. The Founding Fathers believed the Electoral College would protect from fraudulent elections and dictatorial behavior. Perhaps we have reached the era of allowing the people to be heard, and “we the people” must accept the consequences of our judgement.  Do we need the “elite ruling political hierarchy” to watch over us and make certain we choose the right (according to them) candidate for President?
America, a Constitutional Republic, rules by the power of leaders, elected by the citizens, according to Constitutional law. This system works if the delegates vote the wishes of the people they are supposed to represent.  However, the 2016 election reveals a decided difference with delegates not bound by the primary vote. Rules that have always been in place.  And this practice declines further by the Washington elite believing they are the “gods of the electorate” with the privilege of appointing a nominee for the general election in spite of what the people mandate.  If this isn’t enough, the parties’ elite assures victory for their candidate by supporting a system of super or special delegates that the people have NO PART in selecting.   In addition, a Rules Committee (the practice for 160 years in the Republican Party) decides on the rules for the convention AFTER the people have voted.  How flawed is our system?  Are we a nation of uninformed voters who find we are ignorant of the integral structure of our election process?
 Republics and Democracies have historically fallen from within by the decay in the system of law, the morality of the citizenry, and the reign of humanism.  Is America well on its way to imploding?
The 2016 election is unique with a leader rising who is different, rough on the edges, unacceptable to many, but willing to tackle the corruption and decline of Washington. Attracting many voters, he is opposed vehemently by the herd of politicians (with unacceptable past performance) living sumptuously on the taxpayers.  Stung with an outsider, the powerful fester with indignation. In my view, we the people must rise up and disenfranchise those who manipulate the rules so they can control the system, arranging the general election to protect the Ivory Tower in Washington.  Weak, faltering government creates the outsider candidates (in both parties). Then the same career politicians assume the privilege of censuring the candidates.
Here’s a solution to consider!  In this era of electronic communication and more educated electorate, let’s abandon the delegates, Electoral College, and the paid career politicians who drain the oxygen of the Constitutional Republic, and become a REAL DEMOCRACY with POPULAR VOTE giving the government to the people.  Let’s engage in a dialogue that will impose term limits on legislators thus eliminating the career politician who goes to Washington as an average citizen and becomes wealthy by falling in line with the corrupt system. We may make mistakes; we’ll live with them knowing the people made the decision - not some wealthy, greedy, group of elites whose only agenda is to remain powerful. Is it time to amend the Constitution?
America portrays a dismal future with the lack of wisdom, the decay of a humanistic educational system, and the hypocrisy of leaders that results in a frustrated uprising of the young.  How tragic, they unite to accept socialism or communism although historically these systems fail leading to a form of slavery.  We must wake up, become informed, demand accountability, abandon political correctness, and make guarding our freedom a personal agenda, or America, as we know it, will no longer exist.

Saturday, April 2, 2016



   Okay, world.  You have stepped on my last nerve. I spend part of my day reading articles, documents, and comments in the news and social media.  As a writer, who strives to keep well-honed communication skills, I’m especially interested in reviews and comments regarding “things” literary.  The amazing fallout from this experience is the fact that my writing comrades continue to “put pen to paper” when they are so unfairly bombarded by those who read their work, and believe me, writing is work.  Critics are the writer’s best friend when properly informed, credible, and well-intentioned.  The writer’s worst nightmare is poor editing, especially when self-publishing, and the writer is his own worst enemy when he attempts to edit his own work. I concede some of us do need to review or reconsider our ability to create interesting, informative, well-written publications.  With these statements in the open, I have something to say to the reading public.
    As we all know, well-written publications materialize on the book shelves of America daily, and many professional, talented authors enjoy successful popularity with the reading public, and I applaud each one.  Writing of life’s ventures to provide knowledge and entertainment between the covers of a book is a talent second to none.  I agree that as “wannabe” writers, we are, at times, clueless to the fact that our creations are inept and boring. Creative folks are often sensitive and annoyed, even bitter, when critiqued or edited with the intent to cause improvement.  In my view, the mature writer accepts the critique, learns from its content, and moves on to the next project.  
   However, we have responsibility as readers also.  Mean-spirited, condescending, misinformed, inappropriate comments intended to “discipline” the writer, the publisher, or the editor,  often for the wrong reasons, may simply result in destroying that fledgling talent forever.  In my view, I urge those who offer critique, and we do covet your opinion of our work, to refrain from declaring the writer as “stupid, illiterate, ignorant, dumb, lazy, or some other selected four letter word of choice.  I have observed this attitude in all venues and genres of writing.
   As readers, we must understand that a finished product, whether poorly edited or primitive in creation, represents many hours of mental labor, research, and fortitude.  Certainly, a writer needs to investigate, educate, and work toward perfection in his journey to success.  However, as readers, we must give writers a break. We have the writer’s undivided attention when we begin our critique with some positive comment about his work.  In my experience with editing, I find that each writer’s work has some point to praise, even if it is only for ambition and determination.   Our points to consider for correction or change are more readily digested when the writer feels we respect his efforts, although we may find them inferior. Many times, I feel the response to inappropriate remarks should be, “Okay, let me see YOU rewrite this piece.”
   We should take advantage of opportunities to review, be an informed reviewer, offer positive suggestions, and engage in communication with the writer. Be truthful and accurate in making suggestions for the amateur. In the same way that harsh, unkind remarks invite failure, simply offering praise will not benefit the writer when, indeed, the piece is poorly written and needs major rewrite.  We must understand that some errors in grammar, spelling, or facts presented are going to occur in the best edited, professionally published work. My writer friend penned this appropriate adage, “Only God is perfect; the rest of us need editing.” 
     In summary, self-published writers must strive to improve editing, research thoroughly, and listen to their reader’s suggestions. Self-publishing can be a nightmare or a dream achieved for a writer, and we must recognize the pitfalls. We appreciate our readers, we wish to provide excellence, and we appreciate your heart-felt, informed feedback. Reader, you can be certain this writer is listening.  Now, it’s your turn to talk; just be kind, please.