Friday, April 15, 2016


Troubled waters continue to wash over our country as well – in fact – the whole world.  Where are the statesmen that once rose up boldly to solve our dilemma?  I’m embarrassed to know that I had a part in rearing the ruling generation.  At 82 years-old, I have seen many changes, many awesome changes that made our world a much better place.  What happened to the ingenuity, imagination, and resolve that motivated a generation to send a man to the moon? What happened to the God-fearing, moral family-oriented population that stood for doing the best they could in everything, and then some? Why do our young denigrate the Bible, Jesus Christ, and things religious? 

I did the best I could to teach my children to be God-fearing, moral citizens doing their part to rear my grandchildren with the same values.  I failed miserably along with the rest of my generation.  I can find no other explanation for the decline in the home and other social organizations.  The news media reveals appalling wickedness every day.  No respect for authority, no respect for life, immorality rampant, family values non-existent, and extensive questioning of all religious environment.

The American political process is poisoned with moral depravity, greed, and power starved, self-satisfaction.  Our educational system needs to delve into the ancient history of the world and teach our children the consequences of a self-indulging, undisciplined manner of life.  This behavior without exception destroys from within.  Our nation is well on the way to destruction.  I’m a Christian, a student of the Bible.  Instead of respect for my ideals and knowledge, I’m labeled, ridiculed, and my opinion rejected as bigoted.  Yes, I believe that God will bring this nation to its knees.  Americans will know subjugation and tyranny.  We think we have poverty, hunger, and homelessness now!  When God has enough and turns His back on America, the devil will own us.  We can see what sheer evil does to humans in parts of our world now.  The shades of evil advance by the day, and the devil’s workshop thrives.  Does anyone care?

Yes, I believe many care, and we must stand tall, be heard, and work to build a bridge over the troubled waters that plague us.  Impossible feat? No! With God’s help, we can prevail.  Let’s look for the best in all people,  learn to respect all people, give your best, believe in our country, return to God, and turn this darkness into light.  A great America!

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