Tuesday, April 12, 2016


Facts are that most people will say that I should be quietly reclining in my rocking chair, nodding off to nap a dozen times a day, watching my diet, and staying in touch with my doctors.  This is the common agenda most youngsters have in mind for their aging parents.  I’m here to insist that I do have a clue of what makes the world turn, I’m certainly not a bigot just because I have conservative values, and I do believe that God is in control and will take vengeance in due time. I do not expect everyone to agree with me, but this is my space.  I’m a proud American citizen who believes in Constitutional rule and the first amendment which gives me the authority to share my views.

Perhaps I’m mistaken, but my understanding is that TV channels that portray the image of providing family programming, that parents can trust to be viewed by their children, should make the unspoken vow to remain free of undesirable images.  Should this include commercials for programming to be viewed on other channels?  If the family channel is opposed to very liberal causes and projecting nudity and innuendo content, I question the practice of subjecting their conservative audience to commercials for such programming. It doesn’t take rocket science to understand that all channels are in the business to make a profit, and I agree this is necessary. However, there is a growing challenge for the popular family channels to make entertainment history by standing for family values with vigor.  This stance calls for eliminating the offensive commercial that appears on a family channel for programming to be viewed on other liberal channels.  Scoffers suggest that when one is offended by programming or commercials, simply turn the channel.  To which the reply to the family channels is, “Be honest in providing the image of your channel so viewers are comfortable with the integrity of your programming, and then stay the course.”  Word travels fast.

If you wish to be heard concerning this issue, email this address.  Stand4famvalues@gmail.com.

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